There is so much win in this video. From the fact that it’s a little girl to the confusion from Vader.
Somewhere my girl @arkhamasylumdoc is cheering and planning to raise the child as her own, to groom the next Lady Vader.
And who knew Mace Windu was from New York? ::grin::
This kid knows what’s up. All the nerds go to the Jedi Academy. The Sith Academy has the best parties.
I just wish I’d been there to see this!
I think we should make her an honorary member of the League of Extraordinary Ladies. ::grin::
This warms my Hoth-Heart. But you knew that ;)
I love it. Her reaction was priceless!
The girl has taste.
This little girl rules. I can watch this over and over.
That is hilarious! I love it!
That little girl is just too cute. The Sith will be lucky to have her!