This was originally posted back in July of 2009, but it seems to continue to get traffic and I’m curious why. I started thinking that, maybe, people are looking for help on Tweeting — and I know people who know the ins and outs of tweeting. ::grin::
So, here’s the original 10. I think we may need to revisit and update the list. ;-)
Please feel free to comment below and share with friends. This is, after all, a public service.
10 Things You Should Avoid Posting on Twitter
- That nasty rash has cleared up. Go Valtrex. WooT!
- Posted bail on that Cyberstalking charge. How YOU doin’?
- Hellz Yeah! Parents are gone. Party at my house! 1245 Smith Street, Buena Park 8PM!
- Man, if my wife finds out I cheated on her, I’m gonna be so screwed!
- RT @cocoa RT @Micha RT @Heidi1975 RT @LolaL999 RT @Kiki6755 Hi!!!!
- Anyone help me with configuring my remote access? IP addy is, admin pw is l769.
- (a “tweet series”.) Walking into house now > Walking to restroom > In Bathroom Now > Using toilet > Done, skipping hand-washing this time
- Hey pretty pretty, you look sexy, let’s bang
- [name here] wasn’t the father either! ALL RIGHT YOU GUYS WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS IT?”
You should add jokes about spitting/swallowing and Freudian references to one’s father & Harrison Ford. A friend and I just had to banhammer some jackass for those delightfully inappropriate tweets. >_<
i’m somewhat with Megan, although I do find it handy to figure out if a certain website (or app) is down or it’s just me
Twitter is good because…?