Great news for the Star Wars collectors. ;-)
Entertainment Earth just announced the new EE Exclusive Star Wars Action Figure Legacy Comic Packs.
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron #29 with Baron Fel and Ysanne Isard
Legacy #7 with Darth Nihl and Deliah Blue
KOTOR #6 with Jarael (Edessa) and Rohlan Dyre
Jango Fett: Open Seasons #2 with Mandalorians Jaster Mareel and Montross (Pics pending)
Comic packs retail at $17.99 separately, or you can buy the set of 4 for $69.99.
Aside from the Baron Fel (who’s only been made once before) these are all first time appearances.
So, the first-ever KOTOR comic-specific action figures, 3 Mandalorians and all new figures?
Yeah. Should be good.
(Oh and, you’re going to want to pre-order. I know the quantities on these. Waiting might not be a good idea…)