I can tell real life has been intruding subconsciously, because I just woke up from a dream in which I was trying to convince people that letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 2% meant that more people in the Warcraft universe could have an epic flying mount.
For the record, I didn’t mean an “in game” one. I meant a real one. ::grin:: Which caused me to wake up and wonder how many people would oppose it if they knew they were going to get a dragon.
Yeah, that’s my brain for you.
Of course, now I’m awake and trying to decide if I should go back to bed or play WoW for a while. On top of it, I was told I have the Collector’s Edition of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm on pre-order as a b-day gift, so it may be worthwhile to jump in and start researching some of the new changes…
…see how it is?
::wry grin:: I should be asleep. I’m not.
If you’re reading, what the heck are you doing awake and did you dream about dragons?
Did you know…I think you are really neat. ♥
Good morning!
Heheh… epic mounts IRL. I hear that the costs of upkeep and kibble drive people to take second jobs, which leaves them with no time WoW!
Alas, I have not awoken from dragon filled dreams… I’m at work and thinking to myself that I’d rather be playing minecraft right now. : j