Interesting. Ivory soap has decided to be cute and “define” soap.
But here’s what’s even more interesting. The commenters on You Tube like the other soaps. And those soaps, in my opinion, get free advertising. So I think it kinda backfired on ’em.
However, it did inspire Luxury Lane Soap maker Kylee Lane (her Brain Wash soap gets a nice feature in the Ivory ad) to post a blog post and offer this rather awesome rebuttal to Ivory.
Personally, I don’t use Ivory. It seemed to exacerbate my skin issues.
Nope. I lather up with my Black Phoenix Trading Post Port Royal Soap. Because I believe bathing should be a cleansing and sensual experience. And because their soaps (and Kylee’s, for that matter) don’t leave me itching but feeling clean and happy and smelling like a pirate wench.
And I prefer that any day of the week.