An open letter, originated at All Things Fangirl and re-posted as a Geek Girl, Gamer and woman. If you feel so inclined, please repost this letter in your own blog and spread the word?
Dear Infinity Ward:
Please release a patch or fix that will allow users to utilize party chat in all modes of online gameplay, if only for the sake of your female fans. We shelled out the money for the game, we stayed up all night and missed half a day of work playing it, we write and read reviews and buy MW2 caps for our avatars on the XBox Live marketplace.
Out of respect for us, since, sadly, the majority of the people who play your game online have none, give us back party chat so we can enjoy the wonderful evolution of the online play without being told how unwelcome, ugly, stupid, and useless for anything other than degrading sexual acts we are. Please give us back party chat so we can have tactical conversation with the friends we’re playing with, without having to hear how we have no right to be there, no right to play; so we don’t have to hear, out of the mouths of sexist, bitter virgins who have clocked months worth of their lives in game time that we are socially defunct and sexually wrong, somehow, for playing.
I would really appreciate it.
I was reading about this idiocy in The F Bomb a few days ago. There are a couple reasons why I never got much further into gaming then whooping the asses of my brothers friends at Smash Brothers and Metal Gear Solid and this is SO one of them. I reposted on my blog, Hope more people do the same.
-Maria D.