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The Los Angeles Times Doesn’t Hate Geek Girls?

Some of you remember the great SDCC Geek Girl Uprising of 2009.

You have scars to prove you were part of the battle —  blog posts, twitter feeds, drinks tossed back with other geek girls (and guys) in memory of the fight.

We remember well the enemy’s name.

The Los Angeles Times: Girl’s Guide to Comic Con 2009

I’m not even going to go into the reaction. If you were there, you know. If you weren’t, a Google search of  “LA Times, Girls Guide, comic con” will pull up pretty much anything you need to know on the entire issue.

I’m just giving you the background so I can say what I’m about to say.

I’m known for being impulsive and a bit cheeky (moi?), so I don’t think it’d surprise you that I hopped on over to The Hero Complex blog and dropped a note to Geoff Boucher (aka the editor of the blog does all thinks geek at the Times) asking if he’d like some actual Geek Girl feedback for a 2010 Girl’s Guide to SDCC.

What may surprise you is the response I got.

Turns out, Geoff Boucher isn’t the enemy at all. In fact, he’s just like most geek boys I know. Funny, smart, a bit self effacing…

…and he was just as bugged by the Guide as we were!

Not to mention, between the time I wrote him and this morning, a lot has happened and all of it is entirely Geek Girl (and overall geek) friendly. I can’t tell you about all of it yet, but it’s awesome and it’s totally Geek positive.

So, all of that said. I suggest we officially call him an ally and welcome him as a fellow Geek. ;-)

Here’s the blog: The Hero Complex. Toss it in your reader. I think you’ll dig it.

::wink:: Do it for me?

And can I ask the Geek babes to spread the word on this? We did such a good job when he was a bad guy, I’d like to be able to set the record straight. ;-)

(p.s. I’ll see what I can do about the “fanboy” thing in the title, but one battle at a time ;p)

Updated: It seems that the L.A. Times didn’t even create the slideshow. They just linked to one made by The guide Hero Complex did was informative and it was even written by a gal.


  1. I’m glad of 3 things:
    1. That that heinous slideshow was not intended.
    2. That there will be serious geek-girl input for SDCC ’10.
    3. That this topic has opened up some really interesting lines of discussion and NOT epic trolling, (so far.)

  2. THANKS for the kind words o mighty Diva. This is the beginning of a beee-yoo-tiful friendship.

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